Previously, (especially during the winter) quite often on a Saturday night Christina and I would find that we had absolutely nothing to do aside from watching a movie on the internet. Since that is not terribly exciting (less so since we decided that we would stop encouraging pirating by boycotting movies until they come out on video) we have tried to find other ways to keep occupied while still enjoying ourselves. We thought we had it fugured out when we discovered a really cool stationary store, but then we realized we do not have the self control to spend time looking at all of the cool stuff without buying it, so since then we have avoided the stationary store because it is too expensive for us.
One of the first things that we discovered after coming to Korea is that big stores have samples of everything, you can try out food, toys, sports equipment, hand held massagers (which by the way are very relaxing, we hope the one we bought will work in the US) beds, pens, pencils, the list could go on and on but I think that you get the point. It is actually a great marketing strategy, we never would have bought the hand held massager if we couldn't have experienced the relxed bliss of using it. In the States you have to look at the picture on the box and wonder if the product lives up to the picture and description, but in Korea, you just try out the sample.
E-Mart (I guess that would be close to what Wal-Mart is to America) is just across the street from us. We know from experience that the best time for food samples is Saturday afternoon around 4pm. They have so many samples that we go there when we are hungry instead of making dinner! But even when we go there, we still end up with almost a full evening ahead of us. So after we take care of the dinner portion of our date, we still have to find and activity.
Recently we have been going farther afield, there is another chain store, Lotte-Mart, it's like E-Mart, only bigger. There are more food samples (last Saturday I ate a slice of raw octopus tentacle, it was suprisingly mild and with a texture kind of like beef, not really chewy like I thought it would be) and other items that are not found at E-Mart.
On Saturday we were in the TV/recliner section of the store (just genius putting recliners in front of TV's on which they play the latest movies) and we saw some of those massage chairs, you know the ones that you sit in and they give you a massage. Well we sat down in two of them and pushed buttons until they started. AHHH! What bliss! A free 20 minute massage in front of the TV. Luckily for us we have no idea how to ship a recliner home, otherwise we would be out $1,600. But we do have a free date activity anytime we care to go over there.
Visualizing Better Days Can Help You Cope Today
3 weeks ago
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