20mm cannons on one of the ships we visited

OK, lets play guess what Christina is doing....I will tell you in a later post.

These are the larva that I ate.

This is Christina holding up our dinner, a dried squid, just kidding about the dinner part. Christina gags is you say the word fish, and if she smells fish, she gags harder. You might think she is grimacing to make a good picture, but that is her reaction to anything thtat comes out of the water.

OK, lets play gues what Christina is doing again....

This is our view of the sunset, we see this every evening, it is pretty cool.
You're where??
I can't believe it.
And I think Christina is showing us how she uses the toilet in that picture.
WOW!!! I am sooooooo jealous. I hope you guys have a great time. Seeing those pictures of Korea brings back so many memories. The ward will LOVE you. I am glad you decided to go to the Korean ward. Gosh... Korea is so fun. BTW banks usually have good bathrooms if you need to go while you are out and about. Hope you figure out the bus system soon. If you do ask for directions, expect an entire crowd of people to try and help you out. It can be quite funny, especially when they disagree on the direction you need to go. I did come across the korean books when I was packing. I forgot to email you the title though. Sorry, I will have to dig them out again since I re-packed them while we moved.
What an amazing adventure!!! I love that you are blogging about it!!Your ward sounds great and your apartment looks really nice (although I do think it would be weird to shower in the middle of the room). You guys are amazing!
I know exactly where Christina is, but I won't spoil the surprise :). How exciting for you! Gunsan was in my mission, but I never went there as sisters don't get to serve by military bases. Nothing like squid jerky, huh? I'm excited to follow your adventures in the land of the morning calm!!!
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