It has been a very rainy and dreary week. We have not seen the sun shine since Sunday morning, but it has been warm enough that it has been raining and not snowing. We are glad though because we will be going snow skiing tomorrow and hopefully it has been snowing a the resort this whole week and we will have some nice powder. We heard that they mainly make all of their snow so if it hasn't been snowing for awhile you can get some pretty icy spots. Last Saturday we went on another Branch trip to the Temple in Seoul. It turned out to be our smoothest trip so far. It was our new Branch Presidents first time driving the trip, so I was a little worried, but we only turned the wrong way two times and were able to get back to going the right direction fairly easily. We were able to do
sealings and then an endowment session this time even though they were pretty crowded, so we were happy. Then we went and got some lunch and headed back to
Since we have been cooped up in our apartment due to the rain we have had to occupy our time with some other things.
Liji has been working really had at improving his typing skills. He claims he never learned how to type because only had to take one computer class in school and it just so happened that he broke one of his wrists that semester so he couldn't ever do well. (I don't 'claim' anything, that is what happened! And just for the record, I took two typing classes, after I failed the first one because I couldn't type with my wrist in a cast (That's gotta be some sort of discrimination, failing someone with a disability?) they made me take the class again the next year, and wonder of wonders, I broke my other wrist. At the time I thought I was pretty lucky, but now I am paying for it.) He has developed this really
unnaturally way of using only 2 of his fingers on each hand to type. Well since he's going to be going into a Masters program soon he decided he'd better learn to type the correct way. He has been doing really well too. Just in the last couple of weeks he has gone from about 14 wpm to about 30 wpm; YEA!! He is also studying a textbook that will prepare him better for his masters program, that one of the professors recommended to him. I have been trying to keep busy with practicing the piano so I can play for Sacrament meeting without too many errors. I have also been busy studying the Conference Ensign, that we were finally able to pick an English copy up of, when we went to the Temple on Saturday. Thursday morning we had some workers come and spend a few hours in our apartment again. This time they pretty much re-did our whole kitchen area. We got all new cabinets and a new sink. It does look a lot nicer, but we aren't sure if we like the setup as well. I think it's just a matter of getting used to it.