Sunday I drove to Nauvoo from Independence with my sister and her kids to spend a few days here seeing the sites. We both lived here for a semester of school so we both have very fond memories of the beautiful city. I hadn't been here yet in the summer when they have the pageant and all the other day shows and activites so we have been seeing a lot of shows, having ox and carriage rides, and visiting the old homes. My parents have also been here but left today. It has just been so fun to re-learn about and remember the early saints who sacrificed so much. When I went to school here before I got to live in the Joseph Smith Academy building(which no longer exists) just across the street from the new Nauvoo Temple. But I could only do Baptisms for the Dead at that time. I have been really excited to be able to go back to the Temple for an Endowment Session. I made my appointment for 4pm and then a little bit later for different reasons called and had it moved forward to 3pm. I was really excited to be back in the Nauvoo Temple and was praying that I would have a special experience. Well when I walked into the Chapel Elder Neil L. Anderson of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles was sitting there on the back bench with his wife. I gave him a huge smile and he smiled back. I went up a few rows and sat down and just couldn't believe who was sitting right behind me. We soon all went in to start and there was only 9 of us. I was so blessed today to have the privileage of being able to participate in a very small and beautiful Temple session with a man who is a special witness of Christ. Throughout the meeting I couldn't help but ponder on the early saints and I just felt such an overwhelming amount of gratitude for their strength and courage. I had strong feelings that I was meant to be there in the Temple at that time and with Elder Andersen to help feel of the Spirit of the Pioneers there with us in the Temple identical to the one they worked so hard to build so long ago. I felt that I need to have more courage and strength in hard times. It was an experience I will never forget. What a remarkable answer to my prayer. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is God's true Church. I know that He loves us and is so mindful of our needs; and even wants:) Jesus Christ is his Only Begotten Son. Please do not Doubt; but Believe!

I Love the Sunset on the Mississippi!!
Beautiful! What a great experience.
Wow, what a sweet experience! I hear Nauvoo is beautiful.
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