Sunday, May 22, 2011

My Mom; an Elect Lady

I’ve always known that my parents would do pretty much anything for me. But for my Mom especially, it seems very hard for her to see me go through hard times. Throughout the years I have continually seen my Mom sacrifice herself for the needs of our family and I have always thought of her as the most compassionate, Christ-like person I know. She has always been my greatest example of pure love on this Earth. I thought I understood what this meant but a couple of weeks ago she touched my heart in such a way that I did not know was possible. Anyone outside of my family won’t know this but after trying for four years to conceive I was finally able to with the help of a fertility specialist, but then soon after ended up miscarrying. I’m sure you can all imagine the excitement that we felt of finally being able to conceive and then the huge let down that we then felt at finding out I miscarried. We are ok now and will just continue treatments at the clinic and we have hope that it will work again. But just a few days after I found out I miscarried my parents came to visit for the day and make sure we were doing all right. My Mom who is 64 told me that the other week she had been thinking about what she could do to help me and she actually thought about what if she carried our baby for me, and she was serious. I was completely shocked, I just told her that she was crazy and there was no way I would ever take the risk of her health by letting her do that but I was so completely touched that she would even consider that possibility for me. What a sacrifice to be willing to make. I’m pretty sure it’s harder for her to see me suffering than it is for me to actually suffer. I feel so blessed to even know such a woman as her, nonetheless have her as my Mom. She has done and would do anything and everything for me; I love you so much Mom.

1 comment:

Mandy said...

Yes, we are really blessed with amazing parents.