This last week we had three invites from three different people but they all ended up either not being there or cancelling. Last Sunday one investigator from the ward told the missionaries he wanted us to come over for ice cream. So the next morning at 10 we went with the missionaries over to his apartment, but he wasn't there. As we left we decided to just ride our bikes around and we happened to come upon a dermotologist's clinic of the husband of one of the women in the Gunsan Ward. Her name is Sister Che, I have shown pictures of her before. The Sunday before she had told me to come there and she would do a skin peeling on my face, but I didn't know how to get there. Since we found the clinic I called her and she came down and got me. She spent a whole hour with me washing my facing, doing the skin peeling and putting this laser on my face that kills the germs under the skin. It was so nice and relaxing. She did it all for free. I went to her again on Monday of this week. The Asian have such beautiful skin I am excited to try out and learn more of their treatments.
On Tuesday we were supposed to meet a new investigator and his wife for lunch, but they ended up calling on Monday night and cancelling because he had a gotten a job interview. Wednesday we were invited over to Ji Sun's families house for lunch but she called just before we were leaving and said she had to stay at school late and so we would have to come another time. She invited us to have lunch at a park with her family. Thursday morning we went on a three hour motorbike ride trying to get to a dike that goes across the ocean to the islands near us, but we ended up getting lost too much and never making it to the islands. On Friday morning we decided to start a little earlier and make it out to the islands. We did make it to the dike but half-way acrossed it they were stopping traffic and we couldn't go all the way across to the big island. We aren't sure why, we wish we did.
These next few pictures are from Saturday. On Saturday morning we went to the marketplace and got a bunch of tomatoes, cucumbers, and peppers. We are getting much better at speaking in Korean when making purchases. We know how to ask how much something is and what the numbers are so it is fun to see that we are making some progress on our Korean speaking. We met the Lim family at 1:00 for lunch and spent the whole afternoon with them. Ji Sun's parents don't speak English so she has to translate the whole time but she does really well. She is so smart. We all hung out on a wood platform that is about 2 feet off the ground with a covering over it. This is the type of seating they have everywhere instead of benches and tables. Sitting like that has taken some getting used to. It kills my back. Ji Sun's mom cooked up some meat on a grill she brought and we ate it wrapped in lettuce with some meat dipping bean paste and onions. It was so good as always. Sorry no pictures of the food. Liji had fun catching grasshoppers and frogs with the kids. I'm not quite sure who had more fun; him or the kids.

At the park we were at there was a dam and you could see many fish trying to swim up the current coming out from the river, flowing in to the ocean. They call it a fish run.

Here are the kids trying to catch a frog in this cup.

After thanking and leaving the Lim family we went for a long drive out in the country. I enjoy this but I think it is one of Liji's very favorite things to do. He says it makes him homesick.

On the way home from our drive we stopped at Eunpa Park and they had a performance going on so we stayed and watched for awhile. I really enjoy this because I feel like I am getting to know there culture better by seeing their different styles of dancing, dresses and singing.

On Sunday we had dinner with the missionaries at the Bishop's house. We had a great time playing games with them and then having a delicious dinner. This was so good. It was my favorite meal that I have had since we have been here. There are video's below that show better the fun that we had. These kids are just so stinkin cute.

Here I am with the mesh on my face waiting to get the mask painting over the top.

Here I am with the mask on. I have to wait for this to dry and then she will peel off the mesh. This is what they call the skin peeling.
1 comment:
sorry that you seemed to have been getting a lot of cancelations. What a bummer! But it still looks like you guys are havingthe time of your lives.
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