This last Saturday we took a trip to Jeonju. On the scooter it took us about 40 minutes. When we left we weren't sure what we were going to do, we just wanted to look around. Well below is what we found.
This is a wasp that we found on our window screen Saturday morning. Liji wasn't sure what it was and he tried to catch it because he didn't think it had a stinger. But we ended up seeing a dead one later on at an Ecological Museum that we found in Jeonju and indeed it is a HUGE wasp

One of the Guardians to at the city entrance.

On the way in Liji spotted a sign to the zoo. We decided to check it out and ended up having a great time at the zoo. The next few pictures are of our time there. Our favorite part was feeding the animals.

A new type of fish, we'd never seen before.

How would you like this spider on your head?

After the zoo it was getting really hot, so we went over to the swimming hole that we have already been to a couple of times, to cool off.
Of course Liji spent most of his time trying to catch little fish.

After swimming we went to an Ecological Museum. It was mostly geared towards kids, but we still had a great time.

Here is the wasp that is the same as the picture of the wasp on our screen this morning.

Here in Korea, we have been hearing about these beetles that they have. Many of our students have them as pets. Well, at the Ecological museum they had a section just about these beetles.

Here's Liji shooting the beach ball through the hoop, with this air blower.

Huge Larvae

Liji was in Bug Heaven!

Big swing on the side of the river path in Jeonju.

We found an old traditional village and this is a big tree inside the courtyard.

Old Castle

Finally we went to the Market Place in Jeonju to shop around and Liji wanted to eat dinner there. As much as I didn't want to I consented because I knew if I didn't Liji would call me a sissy and be mad at me for being not being willing to try new places. Well this soup below explains why I am always so hesitant. We didn't know what anything was on the menu besides knowing that it would be served with rice, so we just order 2 of the cheapest meals. Well this is what I got. Those little chunks of meaty looking stuff we think was intestinal wall cut up into small squares, and the round dark red things is blood sausage according to Liji. Liji liked it, but I did not go near the intestine or the blood sausage. I just put the broth and onions from the side dish onto my small side bowl of rice and filled up on that. Liji got to finish off the remaining chunks. Which he was happy with. Augh, so gross. I wish I could be a little bit more adventurous when it comes to my food, but man this was just too much.

After eating we went to E-Mart and found some great deals there in Jeonju. I got 3 pairs of really cute capri's for only $12, and Liji got a pair of pants and some shoes. What a fun day.
Hi Christina,
That food looks gross. I love you and that's all. Yea, I'll say I miss you.
did Liji really eat those bugs?
What fun adventures! We need a new update! Love you.
Hey Christina,
Just want to let you and Liji know that we LOVE the updates too ...
keep em comin'
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