Sorry I've had a hard time at keeping up with the blog lately and I'm having to write about stuff a week late, but ah well. I'll try t keep on top of it. Last Saturday we took another trip to Seoul to go to the Temple. I was extra nervous about going this time because things got off to a bad
This month was the Seoul Military District Conference, which is the district that our military branch belongs to. On the third weekend of November they held the meetings in Seoul. Our original plan was to go to the temple the first week of November, which is when our branch normally goes, but because of an exercise, none of them could go. So we postponed the trip to the second weekend. That ended up not working out because they were on “high alert” because of the skirmish between the two Korean navies earlier this month. So then we decided to go to the temple and the district meeting in the same trip on the third weekend, the base members were still on “high alert,” but if they asked for leave far enough in advance they could get the time off.
Our Branch President had a vehicle lined up and everything was ready to go on Friday, but when he went to pick up the vehicle, he found out that it was a 23 passenger bus, and too big for him to drive. When we found out that we wouldn’t get a free ride up to Seoul, we talked about what we should do. In the end we decided to take the bus to Seoul and go to the temple.
We got up at 5:30am and were at the bus terminal by a little after 6, and we caught an express bus to Seoul at 6:20. We arrived at Seoul at 8:40; that is by far the fastest we have ever gotten there. After only one mistake on the subway system, we arrived at the temple at 9:55am. I think that we could have made the 10 o’clock session, but we heard that they needed help in the baptistery, so we went there. In two hours our group did 435 names, all of them sisters. I did a confirmation for one sister that was born in 42, as in 42 years after Christ was born.
After the temple we did some shopping, and then we went to the Saturday evening session of our district conference. Through a stroke of luck our Branch President was able to get a hold of us to direct us to the right place. The meeting was great, and we made it back home by 10:10pm. We figured out which buses are the cheapest and shaved about $15 off the cost of our last trip to Seoul. So now we have a much better experience of a trip to Seoul under our belt now and hopefully the trend will continue:)
Visualizing Better Days Can Help You Cope Today
3 weeks ago
That is incredible that you were able to do the work for someone that lived in the year 42. Just amazing! Any news on what your shool plans are going to be?
Hey Christina, we just wanted to let you know we changed our blog address. It's now :) Sounds like you guys are enjoying your stay.
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