Now what was 2 Saturdays ago the Korea stake had a Sports Day in Jeonju. We got a ride there with our friend Chi Hoon. We ended up arriving about an hour late and had missed playing volleyball. When we got there they were playing a huge game of soccer. There was probably 50 adults/kids out on the gymn floor kicking two balls around. I guess its a special version of playing soccer. Looked like fun but they were almost through so we just watched. Then all the men played a game called Jocku and even talked Liji into playing. He doesn't like playing because he doesn't think he is very good. This is the game where you kick the ball over the net, we've talked about it before. All the women on the sidelines who were watching the men play formed 2 different cheer groups. They can get pretty animated and dramatic when doing this and it is really funny to watch. When the guys finished it was the girls turn to play some dodgeball. I only got a very short description of the rules of the game in English so I was just very confused at the beginning of the game as to what I should do. So of course I got out rather quickly and then figured out the rules but we didn't play twice. After dodgeball each of the different wards got a long rope for jumproping and we had to get 8 people on the rope all jumping at the same time and the winner was the ward who jumped the most times. We got some time to practice and then the contest began. We didn't win and I'm not sure what place we got. While practicing I tried to participate and be one of the 8 people jumping but I kept being the one messing up and hitting the rope. I just kept jumping too soon. So I bowed myself out. They did much better without me. We sure had a lot of fun. Throughout each of the different sports the winning team recieved a ticket number, so by the end you could have a few different numbers and then there was a rafle for prizes. Liji and I were lucky and we both got 3 different prizes.
Visualizing Better Days Can Help You Cope Today
3 weeks ago
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