This last week wasn't too exciting. There was a Sports Festival going on so a few mornings we went and watched some sporting events like volleyball, track, and tennis. I really liked watching the volleyball game. So when we played volleyball with Jeonju stake they had us play 9 man, but we thought that was just because we were playing for fun and that way everyone there could play without having to rotate in. Well it turns out that Korea just has different rules and plays 9 man volleyball. Because this game at the Sports Festival was with 2 Professional Teams and they had 9 players on each side of the net. Definately interesting to watch. I thought that they would get in eachothers way more but they had a pretty good set up and that never happened. It was funny to see 4 guys all go up to block the hit coming from the other team. Interesting.

Friday morning our doorbell rang around 8. We hadn't gotten dressed for the day yet so we raced to get some stuff on and get to the door. Well, Liji opens it and in come about 4 men workers with all their supplies and tools. One man immediately went back to our water heater, so we thought that they would be changing that out which they did. Oh, and he also flung open our balcony door to get a nice freezing cold breeze coming through. 2 other guys went to the bathroom and starting getting to work. And another was looking at our kitchen faucet. We had no idea how long they would be there so at first we decided to stay there and wait it out. But when they brought out our entire bathroom counter we started thinking we'd better just leave. It was kind of getting cramped and very aquered. The reason we were hesitant to leave is because we didn't have anywhere to go and it was a pretty cold morning to just take a drive on the scooter for fun. We were only wearing basketball shorts and had no where to change. Finally we just decided to layer up and go out on the scooter. Things turned out fine though because we went over to the Sports Festival and that is when we watched the volleyball game. When we came home a couple hours later there was just one lady in there cleaning everything up. We did get a new water heater, new bathroom faucet and fixtures and a new kitchen faucet, all of which were good changes and we were happy about. Apparently we missed the notice that they would be coming to change out a lot of our apartment fixtures.

Saturday Liji and I went thrift shopping and found some great deals. Liji got 6 really nice wool sweaters for only $2 a piece. I got some snow pants for about $3, getting ready for winter. Then we went to a couple of other stores and I got a new dress and coat, for about $8 a piece and they are very cute. I haven't been just shopping like that for awhile and it was fun to do that and to have Liji be there and having fun too because he was finding good deals. After that we went over to the Air Base and had a homemade pizza night and watched transformers. It was a lot of fun. Sunday was our big meal and we did pulled BBQ pork sandwiches with some really good vinegar cabbage on top, that makes the sandwich. I got this recipe last year at a Relief Society thing and it is so good. We had perfect amount of food this time and everything went perfectly. Of course Monday we had a nice morning talking with family, which always makes our week. It is so nice to get updated on things back home. We miss everyone so much. Even Liji, who thought for sure he wouldn't get homesick because he didn't on his mission, said this last fast and testimony meeting how much he did miss his family. Tuesday we took a nice and much needed bike ride along the river.
Here is the tiny store we got the great deals:)

Oh and we also this week we got a crazy batch of eggs. Practically all of them have been twins. That is right in this pan there are 4 double yokers!!! Never seen it before.
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