I'm at work and my class got cancelled, so I'm just sitting here in the office and so I might as well write.
I am way behind this Christmas. I think it was because it took so long for me to actually feel like it was the holidays. I didn't really feel the holiday spirit until this last weekend, now I'm sad that Christmas is upon us and will soon be over. I have been enjoying doing fun Christmas activities with he students this week, but they are definately not as excited about Christmas as we are. They are in school clear up to Christmas Eve and Christmas really just isn't that big of a holiday. Most of the students will go to church on Christmas Eve and Christmas. I think the difference is the whole spirit of giving. They don't really exchange gifts on Christmas and no one goes out Christmas Caroling or makes treats to take to neighbors. Theres is just not that excitement and joy in the air that you feel in America around this time of year. This week it has been there for me. So now I'm worried because I have all these things that I want to do but no time to do them. We are having a Christmas party for the students at school Christmas Eve. Because of that (having to work) we won't be able to go to the Korean wards Christmas party which we are really bummed about, but it should be fun spending the evening with the students too. We will play some games and I am bringing some popcorn to eat while watching a movie. Hopefully it turns out well. Liji has said for 3 years now that he doesn't want any presents, so maybe I will just lesson my worries by doing just what he asks. But everytime he says that I should do what he wants I just have to reply so you didn't like gettin the DVD I made of your football games, or your new pair of pants or the many other things I have made for you. And he can only say "yes" he did like them. Well, I like to give him things he likes so what is so wrong with that. He sure seems happy about recieving them when they actually come, but I guess its good that he doesn't expect them. I'm in a dilemma here. Does Liji really want no gifts? Well I guess this year he has made sure that he didn't have to worry about me getting him something by stalking my every move. This whole month he has been with me 24/7. Of course if I want to go anywhere he wants to go and if I'm on the computer he is sitting right there next to me. It's definately made it hard to do anything sneaking. Sorry this is getting to be a pretty random post. MERRY CHRISTMAS!! I LOVE this time of year.
Visualizing Better Days Can Help You Cope Today
3 weeks ago
Merry, Merry Christmas!!! We head to Oregon tomorrow (the
23rd)...hopefully, we can talk to you guys on Skype when we get there. And I definitley think you should get Liji a present. ;)
Oh and we got your package today. Thanks so much! The pants and sweaters are great and the kids loved the goodies, of course. Adelaide played with the box forever after filling it with various things and saying she was sending a package to Korea.
yeah! i finally got to the right address for your blog, so I dont have to keep asking your mom, 'how is christina and ligi~":) I hope you had a great christmas! i sent you scard, but I dont know that you will get it in time. i sent it to that captain's address, and don't know if I had enough postage on it. we miss you so much! wish you the very best. time flys, you will be back here before you know it. the kids are doing great! keep getting bigger. Have a great new year. love you, Deborah
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