I forgot to mention that last Saturday at 4 am I was woken up by someone ringing our doorbell over and over and pounding on the door, yelling. It took me quite awhile to register what was happening as Liji and I happened to have stayed up very late that night already and had only been in bed for two hours. Once I realized that it was in fact real life and not part of my dream I tried to get out of bed, but Liji was even more dillusional at this point than I was and was having a much harder time coming back to reality. So his ramblings about the situation were making it even harder for me to think that this was really happening. I wasn't about to go answer the door because I was pretty sure it was some drunk person from one of the bars at the base of our apartment building and by the time Liji got dressed and over to the door the person had just left so we never saw who it was or what was going on. Oh well I guess. Wasn't to funny to us at the moment but pretty now. Who bangs on someones door at 4 am, seriously!
This last week my sister-in-law Cortney had their 2nd baby girl. They named her Nancy Jane and she is just adorable. I got to talk to them on Skype for awhile while they were still just hanging out in the hospital and I think it is so cool that I can still keep in such good contact with my family even though we are on the other side of the world. However I am not quite as astounded about it as my Grandmother was when she came into the hospital room with my parents to see the new baby and she got to see me on the computer as well. She just could not believe that we could see and talk with eachother over the computer. My parents have told her about it but I guess it hadn't quite registered to her how good it really was until she actually saw me and I could take the computer around the apartment and show her where we live and the great view of the city off our balcony window. She didn't stay a whole long time because she has a group of friends that she plays cards with every night at the assisted living center that she live at. But when my parents dropped her back off at home they said that as she got out she said, "Just wait till I tell the girls that I got to see Korea!" HaHa, I love my grandma she is so cute.
On Friday my sister Alisa called us while we were at work but not actually teaching yet so we had our computer out and I talked to her for a little bit. Some of our students started showing up for our first class so I had them come in our office and say hi to Alisa and her youngest baby Kaleb, who was still awake. They are the youngest class so that can't speak very much English yet, but they still really liked that. After we hung up one of them said "Wow!" and wove her hand around her face and then said, "Twins" to let me know that she thought Alisa and I looked a lot alike. I said yea we do. They were pretty happy about getting to do that, so we are really grateful to have Skype.
Visualizing Better Days Can Help You Cope Today
3 weeks ago
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