Liji and I wanted to have children right away; pretty much since the day we were married. It is now almost 3 1/2 years later and that still hasn't come to pass. I'm not going to lie and say that it's been easy but I also don't want to whine and complain. Life is as it should be and we know that the Lord has his plan. Before coming to Korea we were putting Liji through school and didn't really have the means to go into intense doctor visits. We did do what we felt we could afford at the time and according to the doctors, they didn't find any problems. I was also on a fertility drug called chlomid for a couple of months and that didn't help.
We will soon be coming home from Korea and then living in Logan.
At this point in our lives we are researching the many different options that may be available to us. This isn't a topic that we have really talked about a lot with other people(mostly because it's a very emotional one for me), but since we have started some more intense research of this over the last couple of weeks I realized that the more people who know about us and are sharing our situations with others, the more windows there may be that open for us. So please feel free to share. When we get back to the States we would like to meet with a specialist, but we would like to go to someone that's highly recommended. We would greatly appreciate any and all suggestions about anything related to this; possible contacts that would be good for us to talk to, doctors, nurses, couples with similar experiences, great clinics, tests, treatment options, financial assistant opportunities, insurrances that may cover fertility testing, ect. I guess if you would just please keep your ears and mouths open for us, we would so grately appreciate it. Call, e-mail, or comment at anytime. Thank you so much for all of your love and support.
Visualizing Better Days Can Help You Cope Today
3 weeks ago
Christina, I too am dealing with infertility, and it's been a long road for Matt and I. Not only do we struggle getting pregnant, but I have a hard time staying that way. Our daughter was still-born at 20 weeks and I've had a miscarriage as well. (Both pregnancies were a result of fertility treatments)
I'm in MO, but would be willing to share what info I have & know. I also have a lot of friends in the UT area who have seen specialist. I'll start asking questions about their doctors for you if you'd like!
If you want someone to vent to, or anything else I can do to help, please feel free to email me at
We love you and Liji and will continue to pray for this blessing in your lives. Although we have been blessed in this area, I remember how I felt those first 18 months of our marriage when I cried every month. You have been so faithful through this trial and I know the Lord has wonderful things in store for you and Liji. Can't wait to see you in San Diego!
We love you! I will continue to ask questions to people that have gone through similar situations & pass on any info I find out.
Mom suggested we have a family fast (Liji's & ours). That is a lot of people & faith that we could pull together to help you know what is the best course to follow.
Graham's parents were unable to have children for SEVEN years. Elise could get pregnant but then would miscarry a few weeks later. Now they have EIGHT kids and I don't believe she even had any kind of treatments. Heavenly Father's timing was just a little different than their own.
Keep your heads up. We'll be praying for you!
My sister, Jen, is going through the same thing and they got married the September before you guys. They're living in UT right now, so anything info I get from her, I'll totally share! But the thing that I've heard from just about everyone is, start to adopt a child and then you'll get pregnant. Yeah, it's not much advice for my sister either since she's working to get her husband through school too. Sorry I can't be more help. Know that we love you! And can't wait to see you again soon.
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