This past Saturday we went to 'Maisan' which means something like 'Horse Mountain.' There are two mountains that look like horse's ears. The weather was beautiful and we had a great time.

There is a cave in one of the mountains with a spring inside it, Christina thought it looked too dangerous to go inside.

We passed this hill on our way to Maisan, the purple flowers are tiny, but they plant them really thick.

'Hiking' in Korea almost always means going pretty much straight up or straight down. ALL mountains are very steep, no gradual slopes, everything is very abrupt. We probably hiked only 4 miles, but all off it was up or down stairs. We are still sore, especially our calves.

This is actually a picture of a picture, we were about one week too late to see the Cherry Blossoms like this.

There were several Buddhist temples and this great Buddah statue.

We didn't get to hike to the top of one of the horse ears, the staircase was blocked off. So we hiked to the top of a smaller hill and this is what we could see.

This is one of the Temple complexes, a vey nice Korean woman took this picture for us.

If you ever wonderd if you would be able to find a bathroom in Korea, worry no more. Even if you can't read Korean or English, I'm pretty sure you could figure out the pictures.

Most of the cherry trees had lost their blossoms, but some still had a few flowers.

They do look like horse ears, we had a great day even though we didn't get to climb to the top.
glad you guys are able to get out a little bit more. We are so excited to see you soon....
Hiking sounds so much fun, even if it is straight up. The only hiking I'm getting is the hill up to the house from the park. It's a tough one though. It's crazy to think that your year is almost up. We are already planning for the Father/Son outing thing, I think that's when we saw you last, last year. Anyway, can wait to see you guys agian!
sorry, I mean't can't wait (he he).
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